Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses

Navigating through life with the burden of migraines and light sensitivity can turn everyday activities into daunting tasks. Bright lights not only become overwhelming but also trigger migraines that can disrupt work and leisure, leaving you in search of relief. At Jarvis Vision Center, we understand the complexities of these conditions, often linked to specific wavelengths of light. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and our deep expertise, we offer diagnostic and treatment solutions designed to alleviate your symptoms and enhance your quality of life.
Couple chopping vegetables

That is why we offer Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses. Nine out of every ten Avulux wearers report that they can resume their daily activities when they use the lenses.

Avulux is the only clinically proven lens for people living with migraine and light sensitivity.

Do you have migraine? Does light trigger or worsen your migraine attacks? You’re not alone. Millions of people around the world have migraine disorder. And as many as 90% of those people experience light sensitivity during a migraine attack.

Up to 60% of migraine attacks are triggered by light. That is why we offer Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses. Nine out of every ten Avulux wearers report that they can resume their daily activities when they use the lenses.

How is Avulux different than other “migraine” glasses on the market?

Unlike other “migraine” or “neurological” lenses, Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses are clinically proven to help people living with migraine. Two independent studies have demonstrated that Avulux’s patented light filtering technology is superior to any others.
This is one of main reasons why we carry Avulux in our practice. We trust Avulux to help our patients manage the impact of light on their lives.
Why else do we recommend Avulux?

  • No Side Effects – Avulux’s clinically proven lenses precisely filter light to help people living with migraine, without any negative side effects.
  • Superior Color Accuracy – Avulux lenses don’t distort color perception – no pink, yellow, or blue hue. Avulux’s neutral color enables you to manage light comfortably without affecting your quality of life.
  • No Recurring Costs – Once you’ve paid for Avulux, they’re yours for the lifetime of the product – no subscriptions or other monthly costs.
  • Enjoy the Activities You Love –Avulux can be worn indoors or outdoors, and even used as a complement to your migraine wellness regimen.

How Avulux Migraine & Light Sensitivity Lenses work

Not all light waves are the same. Light in the blue, amber and red spectrum cause photosensitive retinal ganglion cells to release melanopsin. Put simply, for people living with migraine this can trigger a migraine attack – or make it worse.

However, light in the green spectrum is soothing.

That’s why Avulux engineers developed a lens that precisely filters up to 97% of the most harmful blue, amber and red light while allowing in up to 70% of soothing green light.

Father and Daughter playing

How do you know if Avulux is right for you?

Start by speaking to your eye doctor. We are trained professionals who can identify whether Avulux would be an appropriate part of your migraine toolkit.

If you experience several headache days per month along with other migraine symptoms, and you’re sensitive to light, there is a strong possibility that Avulux is right for you.

Why Choose Us for Avulux?

At Jarvis Vision Center, we’re committed to giving you a stellar patient experience, which means we go above and beyond to provide you with expert care. We’re your best resource for handling eye-related light sensitivity and migraines — if you are suffering from these symptoms, it is time to get a thorough eye exam from an experienced eye doctor that you can trust; one who already knows your eyes. Book an appointment today, we have what you need to experience relief.